Art Gallery Thanjavur

By Sanjeev Nayyar | 2016

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The Art Gallery that forms part of the Palace Complex at Thanjavur is awesome. Large image is a form of Siva by the name BHIKSHADANAR (Siva in beggar form). Right small are SIVA GANAS - all male. Left could not read description - all female.

Board at entrance of gallery. It has got an amazing collection. Presented some of the collection only. It is a repository of sculptures from the Chola, Nayak and Maratha rulers covering the period 7-18th centuries which were collected from various parts of Thanjavur district. Art gallery in the Nayak Durbar Hall was made in early 17th century. Note Nayaks ruled till about 1674 after which the Marathas took over.

Maha Vishnu 8-10th century. "It is officially called the "Raja Raja Chola Art Gallery" and locally known as "Thanjavur Kalaikoodam".

"Two in one: A stone sculpture of Gajasamharamoorthy belonging to the 12th century. "

Buddha 14-16th century period Vijayanagar. I missed taking pics of old coins that go back to 300 BC.

"Virabhadra (Siva in heroic stance) Provenance: Senthalai Period: Late Chola 11th Century CE ."

"Siva and Parvathy Provenance: Tiruvalanjuli Period: Early Chola 9th Century CE."

Lord Vishnu. It looks like a tree above Vishnu''s head. Can someone explain.

Tall bldg that u see is Arsenal Tower. "This Tower is 190 feet height with 8 storeys and was constructed in 1855 CE during the period of Marathas. It was used for storing weapons, armouries and ammunition, and was also serving as a watchtower." "Per this link Nayaks made with only 2 floors, expanded by Marathas in 1855. The second floor was exclusively used for the King''s martial arts training." To read in detail about Palace Click here

Left of pic is Nayak Durbar Hall. Centre is Bell Tower. Right is art gallery. "This tower is also known as “the wide holed ear pavilion” to the public. It is also believed that the Vijayaraghava Nayakkar offered worship in the direction of Srirangam from the top terrace of this tower. "Tower had more than 7 storeys which were damaged. "A research note informs that there was a novel clock of sizable dimensions, forming part of the structure in which the figure of a monkey used to strike the gong every hour. The tower is fashioned in the style of Gingee Nayaks. "

One room has collection of Natarajas. Left one is 12th century KULASEKARANWALLUR. Right is 10-11th century TIRUVELVIKUDDI. Assume these are names of places where they were found.

Left is 11-12th century is MELAYUR. Right is 11th century KEEVALUR.

Left is 11th century is VOMENU. Right is 12th century VEDARANYAM.

Both are 11th century. Left is PATTISWARAN. Right is MUTHUPETTAI.

Both are 11th century. Could not read names. Left "Note how is waist cloth is flying in the air due to his dancing. However, interestingly this statue has no hair, which is often the key element in Nataraja sculptures." Right "This Nataraja from 11th century, shows the exact opposite. His hair is flying on both sides, while his waist cloth falls straight down."

Nataraja from THANIKKOTTAM 14-15th century.

Missed taking details of these bronze statues.

Left to right is Thanjavur 17-18th century. Right is Thanjavur 19-20th century. To see more pics of bronze statues at art gallery Click here

Left is 11-12th century from KEVAlUR. Right is 12th century. To see more pics of Natarajas and very good information Click here

Now enter the Nayak Durbar Hall. U see statue of RAJA SERFOJI 1792 to 1832. To read about Maratha history of Thanjavur Click here

Ceiling and side wall of durbar hall.

Close up of side wall.

View of ceiling and side wall.

Close up of statue of Raja Serfoji. Very able ruler. See pics of Maratha Palace that forms part of the palace complex Click here

In one of adjoining rooms is image of RAJA RAJA CHOLA.

View of statues displayed in the art gallery. Very well arranged and maintained.

Murugan with his vehicle the peacock. To see some good pics of Brihadesvara Mandir Click here

SURYA (Sun God) late Vijayanagar period. To read briefly about History of Thanjavur Click here

Side view of more statues. End centre is Shiva as u saw in pic one. To read an interesting article on visit to Art Gallery Click here

Ceiling painting in the Nayak Durbar Hall. Tried my best but could not get the alignment perfectly. To see 1850 ka pics of Big Temple or Brihadesvara Temple Click here

Shiva Parvati. To see some more pics of statues what I missed taking Click here

We end this collection with Indian form of greeting Namaste. It means bowing to the Divinity within you. The divinity that exists within you is what exists in each one of us. Thus in a deeper spiritual sense we are all the same.

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