Siddhanath Temple Omkareshwar

By Sanjeev Nayyar | 2018

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1. Siddhanath Temple is nearly at the end of the Omkareshwar Parikrama. It is on a platform whose 4 sides have elephant figures. Pic taken from west side rear. Original temple must have been an imposing structure with a cluster of 5 shikhars, 4 on the porches & 5th standing above them on the temple itself.

2. Album has a few pics of this temple and maximum pictures of Siddhanath temple. About mid-way in the parikrama is the Gauri Somnath Mandir. It has a huge lingam and a Nandi opposite temple entrance. It was raining that day.

3. We show images on temple. Clockwise start with Ganesha.

4. Female Goddess not sure whom.

5. Side view of temple. Top part flat pieces of stone seem to be replacement of damaged part.

6. View of side panel. Right lower seems a female goddess. Right top not sure please help. Take a close up of pic to see quality of workmanship.

7. Centre of pic. Pose of lady is impressive. Shown as wearing anklets and huge ear rings.

8. Enroute is a Raj Rajeshwari Mandir where you see Shivji. Around temple are 64 or Chausath Yoginis ki murthis. Impressive.

9. Front view of Siddhanath Temple. Mandapa has 76 decorative pillars, surmounted by the capital with Bhuta Brackets. (C.11th 12th CAD.). The central shrine had an entrance on all four side with magnificent porches or Sabha Mandaps. Behind temple is the river Narmada.

10. “It is on a plateau on the island hill supported by a huge plinth whose four sides are carved with about 5 ft high executed with singular correctness and excellence of attitudes, in playful mood.” The MP Tourism hotel receptionist asked me to see this temple. What I did not expect was an architectural marvel.

11. Album first presents external part of temple & then elephants sculptures. U see east side entrance. It has attractively carved doorways shows apsaras mainly. Many of them are damaged.

12. Entrance east side. Left and right are Kirti Mukhas – to ward away evil. In centre shows man and woman – although feet are not of humans. Please enlighten.

13. Entrance top part. A lot of carvings damaged – the original must be wonderful if the current is anything to go by.

14. Temple view from south side. Pillars on three sides is what you see, 4th is on the north.

15. Close up of pillars south side.

16. Entrance to sanctum south side. Notice the carved doorways. Big stone base in front must be for the pillars.

17. Close up of column. Top design reminds me of sun’s rays.

18. Columns west side.

19. Close up of column.

20. Carved doorways west side.

21. West side close of work on lower panel.

22. Columns think north side.

23. Column top has a elephant trunk very unusual.

24. Carved doorways north side.

25. Loved this. Again looks like man woman with animal legs. Seems they are in lip lock. Kirti Mukhas, to ward away evil, on either side.

26. When you walk out of temple on parikrama route get this lovely view of the Narmada and the dam.

27. We now present the elephant sculptures on the plinth walls. This is a south-east side view. Such views can be seen on all four sides. Some said temple destroyed by Ghazni, others say it was Aurangzeb. Lord Curzon declared this a protected monument

28. Shows warriors in front with elephant behind. Can someone help with a caption.

29. Magnificent elephants – negative energy of destroyers.

30. Close up of panel with elephants.

31. Really loved this one.

32. Larger view of panel. Sculptures are there all over the place in temple ground. It seems a family takes care of the temple and offers prayers.

33. Piece lying on the ground. Wish Archaeological Survey of India puts these broken pieces in a museum or they will be lost forever.

34. This is exquisite – might have been on one of the columns.

35. Another exquisitely carved panel with Apsaras. Love the creativity. MP Tourism hotel is very nice, offers a very good view as well. I did a 6 day trip ie Indore, Mandu, Maheshwar, Burhanpur and Omkareshwar. Lovely. Hired a vehicle from Man Singh. Happy with service. His number is 91 91791 17758.

36. Centre of pic is Omkareshwar Jyotirling Mandir. Pranams and Om Namah Shivay.

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