Hanumanji was an Ideal Diplomat Minister and Spy

  • By Shashank Poddar
  • September 19 2019


Since ancient times a prosperous and strong nation is only possible when it has able and competent ministers, diplomats and spies. Today, when Bharat aims to become Vishvaguru and Vishvashakti it should learn lessons from its ancient history and one of the most fascinating characters Shri Ramdoota Hanuman.


Early life and Childhood


Son of Anjana and Kesari Hanuman is also known as Pavanputra as Vayudeva was his protector. His guru was Suryanarayana from whom he learnt all Vedakosha, Dhanurveda, Gandharva Vidya, Neeti, Nyaya, Prabandhan and politics.


Minister in Vanarraja Sugriva’s Court


After completing his studies from Suryanarayana Hanumanji joined Kishkindha King Sugriva’s court as minister. When King Sugriva was dethroned by Vaali he moved to Rishyamuka Hill Hanumanji was loyal to the king in difficult times and protected him from attacks by mighty Vaali. 


From this we learn that it is important for a King to have ministers who are loyal esp. in testing times.


When Sugriva sent Hanumanji to enquire about Shri Ram and Lakshaman’s purpose of visit to Rishyamuka hill he met him in disguise of Bhikshuka, a gave a glimpse of his spying abilities. In a very calm, composed and clever manner he initiated talks with Shri Ram and Lakshaman and praised them. This way he showed his ability to gauge people’s minds. After carefully reading the mind of both Shri Ram and Lakshaman he revealed his true identity and purpose to visit. On hearing Hanumanji Shri Ram first praised him and then told him about the reason to come to Rishyamuka hill. Now Hanumanji showed his diplomatic acumen and realized that about a potential alliance between King Sugriva and Shri Ram. So he took them to Sugriva’s cave at Rishyamuka hill where they both became friends and allies.


From the above we learnt that a diplomat must be sharp enough to read the situation and courageous to take decisions accordingly. It is also not necessary that both allies should have same goals but what matters is they help each other in accomplishing their respective goals, as was the case with Shri Ram and Sugriva.


Shlokas from Srimadvalmiki Ramayana Kishkindha Kand in which Shri Ram praised Hanumanji


सचिवोऽयं कपीन्द्रस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।

तमेव काङ्क्षमाणस्य ममान्तिकमुपागतः4.3.26।।

Here is minister to Sugriva, the great chief of monkeys whom I wish to see.


तमभ्यभाष सौमित्रे सुग्रीवसचिवं कपिम्।

वाक्यज्ञं मधुरैर्वाक्यैस्स्नेहयुक्तमरिन्दम।।4.3.27।।

O Saumitri, conqueror of enemies this monkey, Sugriva’s minister, is skilled in friendly communication. Reply to him in words gentle and sweet.


नानृग्वेदविनीतस्य नायजुर्वेद्धारिणः।

नासामवेदविदुषश्शक्यमेवं विभाषितुम्4.3.28।।

'Unless well versed in Rigveda, Yajurveda and Samaveda, for sure, it is not possible for anyone to articulate so well.


नूनं व्याकरणं कृत्स्नमनेन बहुधा श्रुतम्।

बहु व्याहरताऽनेन न किञ्चिदपशब्दितम्4.3.29।।

'Surely, he seems to have studied well the whole of grammar, for there is not a single mispronunciation in his entire speech.


न मुखे नेत्रयोर्वापि ललाटे च भ्रुवोस्तथा।

अन्येष्वपि च गात्रेषु दोषस्संविदितः क्वचित्4.3.30।।

No fault can be found in his face, eyes, forehead, between the eyebrows or any other part of his body (during his expression).



उरस्थं कण्ठगं वाक्यं वर्तते मध्यमे स्वरे4.3.31।।

 His sentences are not too elaborate, not ambiguous, not dragging, not fast, raised in the chest or throat, in a medium tone.



उच्चारयति कल्याणीं वाचं हृदयहारिणीम्4.3.32।।

'His words are auspicious. They are refined. Neither fast nor slow, his utterances captivate the heart.


अनया चित्रया वाचा त्रिस्थानव्यञ्जनस्थया।

कस्य नाराध्यते चित्तमुद्यतासेररेरपि4.3.33।।

'His colourful words flow from all the three sources: the bottom of his bosom, his throat and his head. Whose mind will not adore them even if one happens to be an enemy holding a sword?


एवं विधो यस्य दूतो न भवेत्पार्थिवस्य तु।

सिद्ध्यन्ति हि कथं तस्य कार्याणां गतियोऽनघ4.3.34।।

'O sinless one, how can a king, whoever he be, not accomplish his goal in the past with such an ambassador?


एवं गुणगणैर्युक्ता यस्य स्युः कार्यसाधकाः।

तस्य सिध्यन्ति सर्वाऽर्था दूतवाक्यप्रचोदिताः4.3.35।।

 Whoever has such great taskmasters of great qualities as their envoys, can have all their goals accomplished, driven by their diplomatic skills.


Hanumanji as Ramdoota in Lanka


King Sugriva and Shri Ram, knowing the all-round abilities and skills of Hanumanji, sent him to Dakshina Disha (Southern direction) to Lanka and search for Sitaji. Hanumanji’s journey to Lanka gives lessons on test, temptation and threats a diplomat should be prepared to face. 


Hanumanji was tested by Surasa and got a boon from her. Temptation and favours were brought by Mainaka which he respectfully refused to accept and continued his journey. The demon queen Singhika tried to kill him but he skillfully used his wisdom and might to kill her. Here he taught is that no matter how good a temptation is a diplomat should never fall for it but remain focused on his goals.


After completing his journey Hanumanji reached Lanka and showed his spy skills once again. He changed his swarup and with heart full of Sattvaguna entered Lanka after punishing Lankini. Here he gave lesson that a diplomat should always remain low-profile on foreign land with mind (मन) full of peace, patience and positivity.


In Lanka he minutely observed everything the architecture, security arrangements, lifestyle and behaviour of the people. Next he entered Ashoka Vatika where Sitaji was in the captivity of King Ravana. In Ashoka Vatika he hid on a tree and observed Sitaji and other activities of the Vatika. After closely watching them, Hanumanji wondered in which language he should initiate dialogue with Sitaji as if things go wrong and she gets scared it would create problems.


Here we learn that a diplomat or spy should be very cautious while communicating with people on foreign lands especially those who can help in your goals to protect and further the interest of your nation. One should be careful about their safety and security.


After meeting Sitaji and giving her message of Shri Ram, Hanumanji decided to check the war strategies and preparedness of Ravana. For this he destroyed major portion of Ashoka Vatika and killed many soldiers and generals of Ravana. He got caught by Meghnad so that he could meet Ravana and give him the message of Shri Ram and Sugriva to free Sitaji or be ready for war. It was also a change to gauge the mental state, abilities and knowledge of Ravana and his ministers.


Here we also got to learn that Diplomatic Immunity is not a new concept but ancient Bhartiya practice according to Shastras. Ravana wanted to punish Hanumanji by awarding death penalty but Vibhishana minister and younger brother of Ravana stopped him from doing so citing violation of Shastras and suggested that Hanumanji be given another type of punishment.


Hanumanji used this opportunity and burnt Lanka thereby damaging their assets. He returned to Rishyamuka hill with his group, told Sugriva and Shri Ram about the success of his mission of finding Sitaji and destroying Lanka in big way. Here we learn that a government should know the art of using force in calculated manner to push back its enemies and securing nation’s interest.


In the end I just want to say that more than outside we should look at our own history and Vedakosha for lessons and solutions to our problems and challenges. Bharat cannot become Vishvaguru and Vishvashakti by ignoring its own roots.

Here I am putting a Sanskrit Shloka praising Shri Hanumanji.


मनोजवं मारुततुल्यवेगं जितेन्द्रियं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठम्।

वातात्मजं वानरयूथमुख्यं श्रीरामदूतं शिरसा नमामि।।

Who is Swift as Mind and Fast as Wind, Who is the Master of the Senses and Honoured for His Excellent Intelligence, Learning and Wisdom, Who is Son of the Wind God and Chief among the Monkeys, To that Messenger of Sri Rama, I take Refuge. 

Author writes articles and poems that are rooted in Sanatana Dharma. 


1. ShrimadValmikiramayana

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