• By Gitika Kohli & Ajit Tiwari
  • March 2017

The aim of this study was to observe the effect of Sattvic Diet on Hypertension of subjects with age range 20-40 yrs. For this 20 people (11M, 9F) were drawn from Paμca Karma Centre, Yoga Arogya Polyclinic of Dev Sanskriti University, Haridwar in 2009, October, by using Simple Random Sampling without Replacement (SRSWOR). Pre-post data were collected before and after 10 days by using Sphygmomanometer. Calculated t-value 14.83 for systolic pressure and 6.17 for diastolic pressure are significant at 0.01 level of significance for df 19. It is concluded that S¡ttvic Diet plays a positive and significant role in controlling the elevated blood pressure of the subjects.

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a potentially serious condition due to its detrimental impact on many body organs and systems. In the ancient literature of India, dating back thousands of years before Christ, hypertension, which is called and described as 'raktagata vata'. was quoted as one of the major illnesses of human body. (Dwivedi & Dwivedi, 2007). In the modern world, in about 80 percent of the cases of hypertension, the primary or the essential cause has always been found to be the stresses and strains in life.

About Authors: Gitika Kohli is Master of Science, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Gayatrikunj, Haridwar - 249411, India. Ajit Tiwari is Lecturer, Department of Yogic Science and Human Consciousness, School of Yoga and Health, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Gayatrikunj, Haridwar-249411, India.

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Article was first published in Yoga-Mimamsa. YM, the quarterly publication of Kaivalyadhama (, is the oldest (since 1924) peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary research journal on yoga.Yoga Mīmāṃsā (YM), the quarterly publication of Kaivalyadhama (, is the oldest (since 1924) peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary research journal on yoga. Visit their site

Article is courtesy and copyright Kaivalyadhama Lonavala, Maharashtra, India.

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