Vanasur Fort

By Sanjeev Nayyar | 2012

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About 15 kms from Mayavati Ashram and 7 kms from Lohaghat is Vanasur Fort. From the road you trek one km to fort top. U see the fort top. Structure that u see is more like a tower to get a great view of the Himalayan Peaks.

Board about history of fort is not very clear. Fort renovated mid 16th century. According to tradition this place was the capital of demon Vanasur. He was by defeated by Lord Krishna in a face to face battle.

A view of road from top of hill. It is a 1 km trek, quite steep at times. Do early morning. It is a small and unimpressive fort, can afford to skip.

A view of the Himalayan Peaks from fort top. Very cloudy so view not clear.

View of the fort from road level. For someone who has seen forts of Rajasthan and Gwalior a disappointment. Instead please visit Abbot Mount which I missed. At a height of 2001 M, 11 kms from Lohaghat it is amidst thick forests of oak and deodhar developed by Mr Abbot in 1914. Great view of the Himalayas from here.

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