The Primordial Pranava Manthra, the Samaveda and sounds from nature have provided the Sapthaswaras (7 basic notes) and the Taalas (Rhythm patterns) that are the basis for Traditional Indian Music. The myriad indigenous String, Wind and Percussion instruments & a strong Vocal tradition are part of the Carnatic and Hindustani styles of the classical genres.



By Mehrangarh Museum Trust

A Tribute to Muthuswamy Dikshitar

A Tribute to Muthuswamy Dikshitar

By Prof. B. Venkateswaran

What is common to Carnatic and Hindustani Music

What is common to Carnatic and Hindustani Music

By Sakuntla Narasimhan

Comparing Carnatic and Hindustani Music

Comparing Carnatic and Hindustani Music

By T C Satyanath

Pandit Narayan Bhatkande-Father of Modern Hindustani Music

Pandit Narayan Bhatkande-Father of Modern Hindustani Music

By Yojana

The Concept and Evolution of Raga in Hindustani and Karnatic Music

The Concept and Evolution of Raga in Hindustani and Karnatic Music

By Dr (Smt) Geetha Ravikumar

T M Krishna and the Carnatic Music Controversy

T M Krishna and the Carnatic Music Controversy

By Dr Ketu Ramachandrasekhar

All you wanted to know about the Raghu Leela School of Music, Mysuru

All you wanted to know about the Raghu Leela School of Music, Mysuru

By Sanjeev Nayyar

Kumar Gandharva, a Maverick Musical Genius

Kumar Gandharva, a Maverick Musical Genius

By Dr (Major) Nalini Janardhanan

The Miracle of Music Therapy

The Miracle of Music Therapy

By Guru Vijay Shanker

The DEVADASI Who Sought and Found Her Swami - Bangalore Nagaratnamma

The DEVADASI Who Sought and Found Her Swami - Bangalore Nagaratnamma

By Atharva Forum

Classical Music and Spiritual Experience

Classical Music and Spiritual Experience

By V R Talasikar

How Rhythm adds to the JOY of music listening

How Rhythm adds to the JOY of music listening

By Deep Ganguly

What is the impact of MUSIC on All, Musicians included

What is the impact of MUSIC on All, Musicians included

By Deep Ganguly

MALHAR UTSAV Showcases Monsoon Ragas

MALHAR UTSAV Showcases Monsoon Ragas

By Dr Priyaankaa Mathur

The Power of Music Therapy

The Power of Music Therapy

By Dr Priyaankaa Mathur

One Music Two Forms-Hindustani and Carnatic Classical Music

One Music Two Forms-Hindustani and Carnatic Classical Music

By Dr Priyaankaa Mathur

Thyagaraja, Saint-Poet and Musician Par Excellence

Thyagaraja, Saint-Poet and Musician Par Excellence

By K.R.K. Murthy

The Magic of RHYTHM in Music

The Magic of RHYTHM in Music

By Deep Ganguly

Who are the Explorer and Creative types and what are their personality traits

Who are the Explorer and Creative types and what are their personality traits

By Deep Ganguly

The Power of Practice

The Power of Practice

By Deep Ganguly

What is a RAGA

What is a RAGA

By Deep Ganguly

Origin and Evolution of Musical Instruments of India

Origin and Evolution of Musical Instruments of India

By Dr Priyaankaa Mathur

How can Musicians avoid a BURNOUT

How can Musicians avoid a BURNOUT

By Deep Ganguly

Three generations of Indian Women Violinist - Dr N Rajam

Three generations of Indian Women Violinist - Dr N Rajam

By Dr Priyaankaa Mathur

Why we should avoid using Head Phones for listening

Why we should avoid using Head Phones for listening

By Deep Ganguly

MIND vs SOUL Dilemna

MIND vs SOUL Dilemna

By Deep Ganguly

Four Basic Elements of Carnatic Music

Four Basic Elements of Carnatic Music

By Reema Krishnan

Fine Arts in Rig Veda

Fine Arts in Rig Veda

By P.S. Shastri

Where our 7 Chakras meet 7 SWARAS

Where our 7 Chakras meet 7 SWARAS

By Deep Ganguly

Golden Voice Golden Years A celebration into the world of the living legend Pt Jasraj

Golden Voice Golden Years A celebration into the world of the living legend Pt Jasraj

By Dr Priyaankaa Mathur

Musically Yours - World Music Day

Musically Yours - World Music Day

By Divya Ramakrishnan

Remembering the Ghazal King JAGJIT SINGH

Remembering the Ghazal King JAGJIT SINGH

By Dr Priyaankaa Mathur

`SwaraSamrat` Ali Akbar Khan Saheb - A Musician Par Excellence!

`SwaraSamrat` Ali Akbar Khan Saheb - A Musician Par Excellence!

By Dr Priyaankaa Mathur

A Retrospect into the Life of Mallika-e-Ghazal - Begum Akhtar

A Retrospect into the Life of Mallika-e-Ghazal - Begum Akhtar

By Dr Priyaankaa Mathur

Down the memory lane- A journey into the repertoire of the Living Legend - Ustad Aslam Hussain Khan Saheb `Khushrang`

Down the memory lane- A journey into the repertoire of the Living Legend - Ustad Aslam Hussain Khan Saheb `Khushrang`

By Dr Priyaankaa Mathur

Jagjit Singh was a Unique Human Being

Jagjit Singh was a Unique Human Being

By Vimla Patil

Significance and evolution of traditional and folk Hori singing during Holi festival

Significance and evolution of traditional and folk Hori singing during Holi festival

By Dr Priyaankaa Mathur

Ancient Tradition of Dhrupad Music- Origin Evolution and Presentation

Ancient Tradition of Dhrupad Music- Origin Evolution and Presentation

By Dr Priyaankaa Mathur

Hindustani Classical Music, Its Evolution and Emotional Synthesis

Hindustani Classical Music, Its Evolution and Emotional Synthesis

By Dr Priyaankaa Mathur

Monsoon Ragas

Monsoon Ragas

By Vimla Patil



By Mehrangarh Museum Trust


A Tribute to Muthuswamy Dikshitar

A Tribute to Muthuswamy Dikshitar

By Prof. B. Venkateswaran

A Tribute to Muthuswamy Dikshitar

What is common to Carnatic and Hindustani Music

What is common to Carnatic and Hindustani Music

By Sakuntla Narasimhan

What is common to Carnatic and Hindustani Music

Comparing Carnatic and Hindustani Music

Comparing Carnatic and Hindustani Music

By T C Satyanath

Comparing Carnatic and Hindustani Music

Pandit Narayan Bhatkande-Father of Modern Hindustani Music

Pandit Narayan Bhatkande-Father of Modern Hindustani Music

By Yojana

Pandit Narayan Bhatkande-Father of Modern Hindustani Music

The Concept and Evolution of Raga in Hindustani and Karnatic Music

The Concept and Evolution of Raga in Hindustani and Karnatic Music

By Dr (Smt) Geetha Ravikumar

The Concept and Evolution of Raga in Hindustani and Karnatic Music Read More...

T M Krishna and the Carnatic Music Controversy

T M Krishna and the Carnatic Music Controversy

By Dr Ketu Ramachandrasekhar

T M Krishna and the Carnatic Music Controversy

All you wanted to know about the Raghu Leela School of Music, Mysuru

All you wanted to know about the Raghu Leela School of Music, Mysuru

By Sanjeev Nayyar

All you wanted to know about the Raghu Leela School of Music, Mysuru Read More...

Monsoon Ragas

Monsoon Ragas

By Vimla Patil

Monsoon Ragas

Hindustani Classical Music, Its Evolution and Emotional Synthesis

Hindustani Classical Music, Its Evolution and Emotional Synthesis

By Dr Priyaankaa Mathur

Hindustani Classical Music, Its Evolution and Emotional Synthesis

Significance and evolution of traditional and folk Hori singing during Holi festival

Significance and evolution of traditional and folk Hori singing during Holi festival

By Dr Priyaankaa Mathur

Significance and evolution of traditional and folk Hori singing during Holi festival Read More...

Origin and Evolution of Musical Instruments of India

Origin and Evolution of Musical Instruments of India

By Dr Priyaankaa Mathur

Origin and Evolution of Musical Instruments of India

Ancient Tradition of Dhrupad Music- Origin Evolution and Presentation

Ancient Tradition of Dhrupad Music- Origin Evolution and Presentation

By Dr Priyaankaa Mathur

Ancient Tradition of Dhrupad Music- Origin Evolution and Presentation Read More...

Jagjit Singh was a Unique Human Being

Jagjit Singh was a Unique Human Being

By Vimla Patil

Jagjit Singh was a Unique Human Being

What is a RAGA

What is a RAGA

By Deep Ganguly

What is a RAGA

Four Basic Elements of Carnatic Music

Four Basic Elements of Carnatic Music

By Reema Krishnan

Four Basic Elements of Carnatic Music

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