This section is devoted to Yoga outside India, its country of its origin.

Patanjali and his times

Patanjali and his times

By Subhash Kak

Reassessing the Psychology of Yoga

Reassessing the Psychology of Yoga

By Dr. Subhasis Chattopadhyay

Which is the Best Place to study Yoga in India and What should a Yoga Student be Prepared for

Which is the Best Place to study Yoga in India and What should a Yoga Student be Prepared for

By Linda Ritter

The Power of Yoga

The Power of Yoga

By Swami Tripuraharananda

The Essentials of Kripalu Yoga

The Essentials of Kripalu Yoga

By Nisha Baghadia

Yog Shibhir-Sadhana Saptha at Parmarth Niketan on banks of Maa Ganga

Yog Shibhir-Sadhana Saptha at Parmarth Niketan on banks of Maa Ganga

By Bhuvneshwari Makharia

Ten Reasons to Start Practicing Yoga as a College Student

Ten Reasons to Start Practicing Yoga as a College Student

By Jessica Fender

Time for a Sanskrit Non-Translatable Yoga Day

Time for a Sanskrit Non-Translatable Yoga Day

By Rajiv Malhotra

Ways Yoga and Writing Fit Together

Ways Yoga and Writing Fit Together

By Lauren Groff

How Do You View Yoga and Meditation as an American

How Do You View Yoga and Meditation as an American

By Samantha Kaylee

How an American sees Yoga in the West

How an American sees Yoga in the West

By Regina J. Wheeler

Vasudhaiva Kutumbhakam, Not a Deer but a SEER

Vasudhaiva Kutumbhakam, Not a Deer but a SEER

By Jyoti Subramanian

Am I a Hindu if I practice Yoga

Am I a Hindu if I practice Yoga

By Jyoti Subramanian

Five Different Types of Yoga Taught in Different Countries

Five Different Types of Yoga Taught in Different Countries

By Om Singh

How to become a YOGA AMBASSADOR

How to become a YOGA AMBASSADOR


Yoga beyond the Boundaries of Bharat

Yoga beyond the Boundaries of Bharat

By Anand Krishna

From Yog to Yoga

From Yog to Yoga

By Jyoti Subramanian

How can we Integrate Yoga into our Daily Lives

How can we Integrate Yoga into our Daily Lives

By Swami Atmajnananda

Yoga`s Gifts to the Contemporary Western World

Yoga`s Gifts to the Contemporary Western World

By Pravrajika Brahmaprana

The Best Yoga Flow for Relaxation

The Best Yoga Flow for Relaxation

By Kaya Johnson

Impact of Digital Media on Yoga for the Youth

Impact of Digital Media on Yoga for the Youth

By Anvita Dixit

Taking Yoga to Indonesia

Taking Yoga to Indonesia

By Ravimohun Dixit

The mind and body connection in yoga

The mind and body connection in yoga

By Jane Grates

Yoga - India`s Gift To the World

Yoga - India`s Gift To the World

By Benoy K Behl

Why has Yoga become popular

Why has Yoga become popular

By Benoy K Behl

The Growing Yoga Community in Istanbul

The Growing Yoga Community in Istanbul

By Ayca Gurelman

Yoga for Personal & Social Development in Greece

Yoga for Personal & Social Development in Greece

By Bharat Gupt

Why celebrating International Yoga Day is important for India

Why celebrating International Yoga Day is important for India

By Sanjeev Nayyar

Yoga and Religion

Yoga and Religion

By Gyan Shankar Sahay

Patanjali and his times

Patanjali and his times

By Subhash Kak

Patanjali and his times

Reassessing the Psychology of Yoga

Reassessing the Psychology of Yoga

By Dr. Subhasis Chattopadhyay

Reassessing the Psychology of Yoga

Which is the Best Place to study Yoga in India and What should a Yoga Student be Prepared for

Which is the Best Place to study Yoga in India and What should a Yoga Student be Prepared for

By Linda Ritter

Which is the Best Place to study Yoga in India and What should a Yoga Student be Prepared for Read More...

The Power of Yoga

The Power of Yoga

By Swami Tripuraharananda

The Power of Yoga

The Essentials of Kripalu Yoga

The Essentials of Kripalu Yoga

By Nisha Baghadia

The Essentials of Kripalu Yoga

Yog Shibhir-Sadhana Saptha at Parmarth Niketan on banks of Maa Ganga

Yog Shibhir-Sadhana Saptha at Parmarth Niketan on banks of Maa Ganga

By Bhuvneshwari Makharia

Yog Shibhir-Sadhana Saptha at Parmarth Niketan on banks of Maa Ganga Read More...

Ten Reasons to Start Practicing Yoga as a College Student

Ten Reasons to Start Practicing Yoga as a College Student

By Jessica Fender

Ten Reasons to Start Practicing Yoga as a College Student Read More...

Time for a Sanskrit Non-Translatable Yoga Day

Time for a Sanskrit Non-Translatable Yoga Day

By Rajiv Malhotra

Time for a Sanskrit Non-Translatable Yoga Day

Why celebrating International Yoga Day is important for India

Why celebrating International Yoga Day is important for India

By Sanjeev Nayyar

Why celebrating International Yoga Day is important for India Read More...

Yoga and Religion

Yoga and Religion

By Gyan Shankar Sahay

Yoga and Religion

Yoga for Personal & Social Development in Greece

Yoga for Personal & Social Development in Greece

By Bharat Gupt

Yoga for Personal & Social Development in Greece

The Growing Yoga Community in Istanbul

The Growing Yoga Community in Istanbul

By Ayca Gurelman

The Growing Yoga Community in Istanbul

Yoga beyond the Boundaries of Bharat

Yoga beyond the Boundaries of Bharat

By Anand Krishna

Yoga beyond the Boundaries of Bharat

Yoga - India`s Gift To the World

Yoga - India`s Gift To the World

By Benoy K Behl

Yoga - India`s Gift To the World

The Best Yoga Flow for Relaxation

The Best Yoga Flow for Relaxation

By Kaya Johnson

The Best Yoga Flow for Relaxation

Am I a Hindu if I practice Yoga

Am I a Hindu if I practice Yoga

By Jyoti Subramanian

Am I a Hindu if I practice Yoga

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