Kargil War Memorial

By Sanjeev Nayyar esamskriti108@gmail.com | 2016

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In centre of pic is TIGER HILL and Drass town is below. It is Tiger Hill that was recaptured during the 1999 war with Pakistan. The enemy was on top of the hill with ability to fire from the top. Hats off to the Indian Army for recapturing the heights. Right of pic is hill called Rhino Horn.

Walk in to Kargil War Memorial. Right is TOLOLING hill and left in white is Kargil Vijay Diwas. Very well designed and kept war memorial. Attracts lots of nationalists.

The IAF under Operation Safed Sagar played a stellar role during the 1999 Kargil war. MIG 21 successfully played havoc with the Paki troops entrenched at the heights. The MIG 21 displayed here was part of the ''Golden Arrow Squadron no 17'' . This was led by SQD LDR Ajay Ahuja who made the supreme sacrifice during the war and was awarded Vir Chakra posthumously.

This is Vir Bhoomi where names of those who made the supreme sacrifice for Bharat, so that we can live in peace, are recorded. Pranams to each one of them.

Overview of the memorial with TOLOLING hill on right of pic. Learning from Kargil 1999 is NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN however friendly government to government relations are.

A saga of supreme sacrifice - Operation Vijay. In May 1999 56 Mountain Brigade was inducted to clear the Pakis who had occupied strategic heights of Tiger Hill, Point 4875 and Maskoh Valley. 8 Mountain Division was inducted in June 1999. The enemy was evicted by 26 July 1999.

This displays the names of those who made the Supreme Sacrifice for our motherland.

A army person explaining details of the 1999 war to tourists. After he finished there was a huge round of applause. When people see the difficult terrain in which army operates their affection for the army goes up big time. Hope all those living in the plains appreciate the army as much.

Model of the Bofors Gun that proved very effective during Kargil War. Tin structure is Manoj Pandey gallery.

Inside the gallery - pictures of armed forces during war and after capture of peaks. Bharat Mata ki Jai.

Weapons seized from the Pakis.

View from the memorial side. This is to give you a sense of the terrain.

Board in memorial tells you about the Battle of Tiger Hill.

Board in memorial tells you about the Battle of Point 4875 renamed as Batra Top after the brave Captain Vikram Batra.

All about the Battle of Tololing.

Road about a km ahead of Drass town enroute to Sonmarg. Showing this pic because wall that you see was made overnight to protect vehicles from constant Pakistan shelling. Rogers to the spirit of the Colonel and jawans who made this wall overnight.

Entrance to Kargil Battle School. Jawans go through a three week training program that involves acclimatization, rock craft, dealing with avalanches, stream crossing techniques etc.

Jawans undergoing training rock climbing. Great fun to see jawans struggle but so difficult if you asked me to do.

Here rock climbing from a height. They climb up and down from top of mountain, some height.

For best view of Tiger Hill you need to drive for about 30 minutes to a vantage point. This view is somewhere enroute. Centre of pic is Tiger Hill, next hill Rhino Horn and last is Batra Top.

There is the view point from where get the best view of Tiger Hill. U see me with driver Ballu. Between us is Tiger Hill. To see pics of Rezang La War Memorial Ladakh Click here

View enroute down to Drass. Color of the hills and skies never ceased to amaze me. Pics of drive from Leh to Kargil Click here

Close up view of Drass town. To see pics of Leh Palace Click here

A couple of kms ahead of Drass enroute to Sonmarg, is a right turn to Mushkoo Valley. This pic is of the valley. It is max a 10 kms drive from the main road. If you miss seeing it you might not miss much. To see pics of Jaswant Garh War Memorial Arunachal Pradesh Click here

With villagers in Mushkoo Valley. Man on right works for J&K Electricity Board. He was moving house to house noting down the electricity meter reading. To see pics of War Memorial Raniket Click here

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