Visvanatha Shiv Temple Khajuraho

By Sanjeev Nayyar | 2008

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Board outside Visvanatha Temple. If you walk anti clock wise it is the first temple.

Temple from front side. It is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Made 1002 AD.

Side of view of temple. Notice the Lion close to the Shikhar. A similar one is found in Kailasa Temple Ellora.

Sculptures on temple. Read Travelogue for full details.

Mithuna couples.

Nandi. She is housed in a temple opposite the Visvanatha temple. The square pavilion that houses it rests on 12 pillars.

You see Matangeswara Temple i.e. still a place of worship. It is next to the Lakshmana Temple. Made 900-925 AD.

You see the 8 feet high lingam in the temple.

Since it was Diwali day we saw locals perform the Momiya dance with peacock feathers just like what we saw at Orchha and Chitrakoot. They perform outside temple.

After darshan at temple they come out and dance with sticks. Not a Dandiya like in Gujarat but something unique. Dance with lots of fervor and energy. They wear colorful shorts as you see.

Side View of the Temple

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