Nagaur Cattle Fair

By Sanjeev Nayyar | 2013

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Nagaur Cattle Fair is the second largest cattle fair in India, held in January/February every year. In 2013 dates were 17-20th of Feb. I reached on the 20th. U see cattle for sale. Since it was quite cold animals covered with gunny bag material.

Animals traded are cows, bullocks, camels and horses. Cold it was but very sunny in the afternoon. U see this man having a good nap at about 1pm in the afternoon. The Fair is held on both sides of the road. One side is cows and bullocks whilst the other is camels and horses.

Farmers from various states like UP, MP, Gujarat, Punjab come to trade. On the cow side of the fair are a number of eating places and shops selling utensils, clothes etc. Shops sell food items like samosas, kachoris and jalebis amongst others.

Having bought a bucket lady and her husband on their way home. Number of ladies that I saw sport Ghunghats (i.e. covering of face with cloth). It is not that they cover themselves from head to toe, only the face is covered more so when meet unknown men. As you see the veil is see thru. Note the jewellery on head and payals on feet.

There are many shops selling utensils. U see some local ladies speaking to the shop owner. Love their colorful clothes which is why clicked with them facing the other side. They were nice enough to let me click them. To see them go to the People of Marwar collection.

U see Shovels made locally. .

I now moved to the other side of the road where horses and camels are traded in. Am not an expert on horses but was told that white is a Marwari one and the other is a Black Stallion.

Large number of horses stood under shades like this one. Price could be as low as Rs 50k and go up to lakhs.

This scene is universal across animals and humans. A child taking milk from her mother.

U see a camel having the equivalent of a hair cut. It was interesting to see him cut hair. The camel was very quiet through the process.

This is what a camel looks like after the hair cut. There was one section where really weak camels were being sold, looked as if they were sold more for the skin.

The owners of these camels wanted me to pay them for clicking this pic. I flatly refused.

This is a shop that sells accessories for camels. Very colorful. Lots of them on both sides of the road.

This is how a fully decorated camel looks. Pic is in Jaisalmer on day one of the Jaisalmer Desert Festival. These camels are used by the Border Security Force in the desert. In the background is Jaisalmer Fort.

This is a typical family who has come to trade in animals. It is the camel that pulls the cart. The biggish thing that you see in the centre is where they keep all their stuff. They live here throughout the duration of the 4 day fair. Happily posed for a pic.

This photo is a story of women power. I saw two men bring a man from the start of the road hands tied abusing the man all the time. When his wife (back in picture) saw her husband being treated like this, accused of robbery she fought with the two men, rescued her husband without paying a rupee. She was really aggressive compared to her meek husband.

Number of shops sell daggers, swords and screw drivers as well. U see one such shop. I was told that post sun-set a joyous environment is created by folk musicians. Camel races are also organised that I did not get to see since went on day 4. To see more pics of fair Click here

Very close to where the horses stood was this huge water tank. It is used to feed animals and humans for bathing. Water looked clean. Net net enjoyed visiting the cattle fair, my first. Inspite of not being knowledgeable on cattle, the visit gave me insights into people''s minds and needs. If had gone on day 2 or 3 instead might have been more fun.

As you turn to the cattle fair is the Mirchi market on your right. There are rows and rows of shops, vehicles only selling red chilies. Every shopkeeper was keen to have his pic taken. U see a group showing their product. The chillie looks very big compared to what we get in Mumbai.

From Nagaur left for Bikaner. Enroute saw this patch of green. Was very happy to see agriculture products being grown in what is mostly a barren area.

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