In the scriptures the
evolution or manifestation of the cosmos is presented in two stages.
Like a seed becoming a plant in the middle stage, and then the plant
becoming a full fledged tree in the final stage.
Therefore Maya is a seed stage containing the causal universe which
comes to the level of subtle universe comparable to that of a plant and
then the subtle universe evolves or manifests to become the gross
universe fully available for all forms of transactions and
If you have to understand the
difference between the subtle and gross creation you can compare your
body and mind. Mind is also a creation or manifestation. Body
is also a manifestation. But mind is a subtle manifestation not
available for a physical vision because it is not tangible. But the
body is gross visible to the eye.
scriptures point out that first, out of the causal universe five
subtle elements is born. These are called Pancha
Bhuta. These are 1.Akasa or
space 2.Vayu or air 3.Agni or
fire 4.Jalam or water 5.Bhumi
or Prithvi: the earth. In the
initial stages, they are in subtle form, which means they are not
available for our transaction. They are not even visible.
is defined as Tri Gunatmika i.e.endowed with
threefold feature which is seen in the universe. They are
Sattva Guna, Rajo Guna and Tamo Guna. These three
Gunas or features or attributes inhere the five elements also. Thus we
have got Sāttvika component of space, Rājasik a
component of space and Tāmasik component of space. Similarly
we have Sāttvika component of air, Rājasik component
of air and Tāmasik component of air. Same applies for Fire,
Water and Earth. Therefore we have fifteen items. Hence the first form
of creation is Sūkshma Bhūta
Srushti – the creation or manifestation of the
subtle elements.
the Satvic portion of subtle elements are born the organs of
perception (jnana indriyas), Ear is born from the
Satvic aspect of Space, Skin from Air, Eye from fire, Tongue from water
and Nose from earth.
From the total Satvic
content of the five elements are born the
Anthahkarana or inner instrument. Antahkarana
consists of four aspects, manas, Mind (doubting
nature), buddhi, intellect (deciding nature),
ahankar, ego ("I am the doer"
nature) and chitta, memory (thinking faculty).
the Rajasic portion of subtle elements are born the organs of action
(karma indriyas). From the rajasic aspect of space
is born the speech, hands from air, legs from fire, genitals from water
and anus from earth.
From the total Rajasic
content of the five elements are born the five vital airs or
pancha prana.
Each of the
subtle elements is endowed with the property of its own. Space
(akasa) has the property of producing sound; air
(vayu) of producing touch; fire
(agni) of visibility; water
(ap) of flavor; and earth
(bhumi) producing smell (sabda, sparsa,
rupa, rasa, gandha). These are the five ways in which a man,
through his five sense organs becomes aware of the
prakriti or matter. Hence Hindu philosophers have
divided matter into five elements. It is to be noted that mind or
manas (the inner organ that creates doubt),
intellect or buddhi (the inner organ that decides)
and I-Consciousness or Ego belong to the realm of
prakriti or matter.
entire Sūkshma Shariram is born out of
Sattva Guna and Rajo Guna of the five subtle elements. Therefore we
have seen Sukshma Bhuta Srushti and
Sukshma Sharira Srushti – in short the
entire subtle universe.
the Tamasic portion of the subtle elements are born the gross
elements. The gross elements are formed through a combination of
tamasic portion of subtle elements in which each of the subtle elements
combines with the remaining four subtle elements under a peculiar
formula to produce a gross element. This process of combination is
called panchikaranam.
the gross elements of ether, air, fire, water and earth are produced
which we are able to see with our eyes. The five subtle elements are
therefore the causes for the five gross elements. The scriptures point
out that the Tamas components of the five elements alone get grossified
to become the five gross elements – Pancha Sthula
The scriptures say that until
grossification, each element was isolated and pure. One element was not
adulterated or mixed with others. But when grossification takes place,
the Tamo Guna of these five elements gets intermixed. This is
just like eating a salad. Sukshma Prapancha is
like eating grapes separately, bananas separately etc. Grossification
means eating all together. Once we come to five grossified
elements, each element has got a mixture of all the five. So Earth has
got five elements, space has got five elements. Same way for Air, Fire
and Water. This process of “salad making” is called
Panchi Karanam or Grossification.
Once the five
gross elements are born, out of that the entire cosmos including all
our physical bodies are created. This is called Sthula Srushti
or Sthula Abhivyakti.
Maya is causal universe. And out of that comes subtle universe called
Sukshma Abhivyakti. And out of that comes gross
universe which is called Sthula Abhivyakti. Thus
the entire creation comes out.
Therefore causal
universe to subtle universe to Gross universe. This is the creation. Of
these, the causal universe is beginning-less, but the subtle and gross
have a beginning and an end.
Once it has become
fully gross and moved about for some time, what happens to the whole
creation? Again it collapses, condenses or contracts; evolution will
later end up in involution or dissolution. The gross becomes subtle and
subtle again becomes gross. Thus unmanifest to manifest and manifest
to Unmanifest, the universe undergoes this cycle always. But the
Universe will always be there. The difference is only a question of
degree but not substance. There is no increase or decrease in matter
but there is only change in its condition or state – manifest
condition to unmanifest condition and unmanifest to manifest.
Avyaktadini Bhuaani Vyaktamadhyani Bharata
Avyakta Nidhananyeva Tatra Ka Paridevana
will tell us in the Bhagavad Gita later – why are you talking
about death? Death is nothing but body going out of shape. Nothing is
lost, Arjuna, but for whom are you crying? The problem is that we have
got attached to shape and lost sight of the substance.
creation will last for some time and again collapse to Maya. What will
be Brahman doing? Consciousness remains. When the appropriate
conditions come forth, it manifests in the form of life. When the
manifesting conditions are not there, consciousness remains unmanifest.
This is Vedic Cosmology”. (Adopted from Swami
Paramarthananda’s Discourses on ‘Tattva