- What will I
learn during two year course? Who were the Acharyas? And Eligibility
Hari Om.
Chinmaya Mission has announced the 19th
Vedanta Course to commence on the auspicious Makara
Sankranti day on 15 January 2024. The Mukhya Acharya for the Course is Pujya
Swami Swaroopananda, the Global
Head of Chinmaya Mission, and the Resident Acharya is Swami
Advayananda (President Chinmaya International Foundation).
Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda conceived the idea of a ‘modern day
Gurukula’, to impart the knowledge of Advaita Vedanta to young men and women,
who would imbibe the wisdom and then share it with the world at large. For
this purpose, he established the Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, in Mumbai, in 1963.
Today as we celebrate the 108th year of Chinmaya Jayanti and sixty years of
Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, the course continues to provide an ideal opportunity
for all those who want to learn, live, practice and share the Vedanta way of
The two-year residential course
focuses on the intense study of prasthana-trayi – the primary triad of the
Hindu scriptures comprising Upanishads,
Bhagavad Gita, Brahmasutra and the
commentaries of Sri Adi Sankaracharya
on them – and the many Vedanta prakarana-granthas, Srimad
Bhagavatam, Ramayana
and so on.
Life during and after the course
In this two-year Course, students
withdraw fully from worldly life and follow a disciplined schedule of study and
activities in an ashram setting that promotes learning, reflection and
contemplation. Thereafter, they are encouraged to work in the field as
missionaries sharing the knowledge and serving the society, although this is
not a stipulation for joining the Course.
Who can apply?
Unmarried graduates in the age-group
20 to 32 years irrespective of caste, creed, nationality, religion and gender,
are eligible to apply for this course. Youth with a keen interest in the
knowledge of Vedanta and to walk the spiritual path, are ideal to apply for
this course.
Course Fee
The two year residential Vedanta
Course is offered completely
FREE for all selected candidates. The entire Course
for all selected candidates is sponsored completely by the Chinmaya Mission,
which includes board and lodging, study material and so on.
To know more
visit https://sandeepany.chinmayamission.com/

Swami Tejomayanandji.