Mandukya Upanishad- An inquiry into what is Real And Unreal-4

A U M -    


so.ayam  atmadhyaksharam  onkaro.adhimatram  pada matra matrashcha pada akara ukaro makara iti .. 8..

The same Atman which has been described above as having four quarters, is again AUM from the point of view of syllables (letters – aksharam). The AUM with parts is viewed from the standpoint of sounds (letters, matras). The quarters are the letters (parts) and the letters are the quarters. The letters here are A, U, and M.

The word AUM which has been explained before as Atman having four quarters is again explained as the same Atman from the standpoint of syllable where prominence is given to the name. What is the syllable? It is AUM. It is that word AUM which being divided into parts, is viewed from the standpoint of letters. How? Those which constitute the quarters of the Atman are the letters of AUM. What are they? They are A (akaara), U (ukaara), and M (makaara).

Earlier it was said that the Self can be seen in four states or quarters (padas); visva – the waking state, taijasa – the dream state, prajna – the deep sleep state and turiya – pure consciousness. Turiya is the real nature of the Self.

The first three states (padas) of the Self are represented by the three letters (matras) A U M. Hence this mantra says that the padas and the matras are the same. Turiya is beyond description; so it is amatra- beyond the matras.

A doubt may naturally arise as to why this repetition of explaining the same idea about Atman, though in different ways. The reason is that those who cannot enter upon philosophical reflection regarding the Supreme Reality as given in the previous mantras are advised to concentrate on AUM as the symbol of the Ultimate Reality.


jagaritasthano  vaishvanaro.akarah  prathama matra.a.apter  adimattvad.h va.a.apnoti  ha  vai  sarvan.h  kaman  adish  cha bhavati   ya evam veda .. 9..

He who is Vaisvanara, having for its sphere of activity the waking state, is A (A-kaara), the first letter of AUM on account of its all –pervasiveness or on account of being the first. One who knows this attains to the fulfillment of all desires and becomes the foremost among all.

In this mantra the points of resemblance between the waking state and the first letter of AUM (akaara - A) are elucidated. That which is Vaisvanara, whose sphere of activity is the waking state, is the first letter of AUM. Their common features are tabulated as under.

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Waking State

First letter – akaara (A) - A


Pervasiveness – Entire Universe is pervaded by Vaisvanara Atman whose symbol is waking state. Knowledge of all other states is possible only from the waking state. The three states constitute our entire experience of the universe. Therefore the waking state pervades the whole of the universe.

All sounds are pervaded by ‘A’. It is present in all sounds because when a man wants to utter any sound, the very opening of his mouth produces (audibly or inaudibly) the sound ‘A’.


Waking sate is the beginning of the other states. Our common experience tells us that the states of dream and deep sleep are preceded by the waking state which is therefore the first of the three states.  

‘A’ is the first letter of the alphabet; it is the first of the three letters constituting AUM; it is the first of all sounds. Hence it is called the beginning because no other sound or letter precedes ‘A’.  In the Bhagavad Gita (10.33) also Bhagavan says that among the letters, He is the letter’A’ (aksharaanaam akaaro'smi)

The mantra says that the one who knows the identity of the two as described above has all his desires fulfilled and becomes the chief of the great; this enumeration of merits is for the purpose of inducing the seeker to understand the meaning of AUM.


svapnasthanas  taijasa  ukaro  dvitiya  matrotkarshat.h  ubhayatvadvotkarshati  ha vai  jnanasantati.n  samanashcha  bhavati  nasyabrahma-vit-kule  bhavati  ya evam veda .. 10..

Taijasa, whose sphere of activity is the dream state, is U (U- kaara), the second letter of AUM on account of superiority or on account of being in between the two. He who knows this attains to a superior knowledge, is treated equally by all alike and finds no one in his line who is not a knower of Brahman.

In this mantra the points of resemblance between the dream state and the second letter of AUM (ukaara – U) are elucidated. That which is taijasa, whose sphere of activity is the dream state, is the second letter of AUM. Their common features are tabulated as under.

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Dream State

Second letter – ukaara (U) -  %


Taijasa or Atman functioning through the dream state is said to be superior to Vaisvanara because he perceives ideas whereas the latter sees only gross objects.

As the letter ‘U’ comes after ‘A’, it is said to be superior as in the case of a dignitary showing his appearance only after the lesser ranks pass through first.


Taijasa is in the middle between Visva and Prajna.

As the letter ‘U’ is between ‘A’ and ‘M’, the dream state is between waking and deep sleep states.

The mantra says that the one who knows the identity of the two as described above attains superior knowledge, is treated alike by all in the society, and that all the successors in his family will be knowers of Brahman or will be having full knowledge of Brahman which only means that his lineage will remain pure without any varna sankara or adulteration.


sushuptasthanah  prajno  makaras  tritiya matran  miter  apiter  va
minoti  ha  va  idam  sarvam  apitish  cha  bhavati  ya evam  veda .. 11..

Prajna, whose sphere is deep sleep, is ‘M’ (M - kaara), the third letter of AUM, because it is both the measure and that wherein all becomes one. One who knows this identity of prajna and M is able to measure all i.e. realizes the real nature of the world, and also comprehends all within himself.

In this mantra the points of resemblance between the deep sleep state and the third letter of AUM (makara – M) are elucidated. That which is prajna, whose sphere of activity is the deep sleep state, is the third letter of AUM. Their common features are tabulated as under.

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Deep Sleep State

Third letter – ma kaara (M) - m


In the deep sleep state of consciousness, both the waking state and the dream state experiences seem to enter into a mass of homogeneous awareness and on waking up out of this undifferentiated mass of consciousness i.e. the sleep state, the waking and dream states seem to emerge out separately (just as in a measuring glass liquids are poured in for measuring and poured out after measuring).

In the process of repeated pronouncing of the sound AUM, the sounds ‘A’and ‘U’ seem to merge in and emerge out of the sound ‘M’.
In this manner both ‘M’ and deep sleep state are compared to a measuring glass in the mantra.


In both deep sleep state and the third letter of AUM, the earlier plurality and differences merge themselves to become one-whole.

He who realizes this identity between the two is able to measure all things in the sense that he can discriminate between things and to understand and judge the happenings both within and outside him. No situation is beyond his grasp or understanding.

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