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Notes on Structures and Functions of Human Body and effects of Yogic Practices

  • By Dr. Shrikrishna B. Tengshe
  • May 2016


“These notes are prepared with a view  to give concise and at the same time very precise idea regarding the  dynamic aspect of the structure and function of the human body,  rather than the mere description of its anatomical and physiological  features. Selectively only those points are highlighted which would  contribute in better understanding of 'HOW' AND 'WHY' the various  Yogic practices, affect the human body.

These notes contain also the brief  summary of the research work carried out to investigate the effects  of various Yogic practices over 50 yrs. at Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla as  well as in other centres all over the world.

Although these notes cover a wide area,  the presentation is essentially brief and upto the point. We would  like to emphasise the fact that these notes cannot replace the  lectures and the discussions during which further clarification,  elaboration and interrelationship between various concepts could be  presented.

We hope the students of Yoga would find  these notes very useful for gaining an insight to the whole Yogic  discipline”.

About  Author - Dr.  Shrikrishna B. Tengshe, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.

Published  by I.C.Y.H.C.  , KAIVALYADHAMA, MUMBAI - 400 002.

This  book is courtesy and copyright I.C.Y.H.C. , KAIVALYADHAMA. It may be  reproduced in part or full only after obtaining written permission of  the publishers.

What  is Kaivalyadhama?

Virtually  a university of Yoga, with many limbs.

Spiritual The Kaivalyadhama Ashram is the  spiritual heart and focus of the Institute, and it is under this  influence that the various departments does function.

Technical The Scientific Research Department, to  study the quantitative Physiological, Radiological, Psychological,  Sportive, Biochemical and Neurological contexts of Yoga.

Kaivalyadhama is not just one of the oldest Yoga Institute in the  world, but it is one of the most comprehensive. It doesn’t just  teach, but since 1924 it has carried out substantial and innovative  studies into almost every aspect of Yoga’s practice.

Swami Kuvalayananda founded Kaivalyadhama in 1924 after being  guided and inspired by his Guru’s philosophy that spirituality  could uplift society. Above all his many skills, Swami Kuvlayananda  was a great visionary who foresaw immense scope for the application  of Yoga in all the spheres of life.

Kaivalyadhama’s specific aim is to bring together traditional  Yoga with modern science, as neither is thought to be complete  without the other. The Swami’s view was that society had lost its  way, and only a new and happy ‘marriage’ between the two  disciplines could help to regenerate and build a better life for all.

Kaivalyadhama has continued to grow and thrive. In 1951, the  training college was inaugurated; in 1965, a unique Yogic Hospital  opened its doors; followed by satellite institutes appearing in India  and other places. Now there are plans to change the institute’s  status into a university. The Institute is graciously supported by  the Indian Government, and is a not-for-profit charity in which about  80 persons in total are employed. So many ground breaking firsts  continue to keep Kaivalyadhama at the forefront of Yoga practice as a  whole both in India and across the world.”

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