The Bhagwatam Diary 2004

  • By Sri Aurobindo


1. The one who sees the same divinity as in himself in all the beings and see all creatures as grounded in the Lord, the soul of all, is the best among the devotees. (XI-2-45)

2. He who has love for the Lord, friendship towards the devotees, indifference towards his enemies and compassion towards the ignorant, belongs to a mediocre category of devotees. (XI-2-46)

3. The one who worships God in idols alone with faith but shows no consideration to His devotees and other fellow beings belongs to an inferior category of devotees. (XI-2-47)

4. A person who, does not react to the objects of senses either with revulsion or joy, considering them all as part of Lord’s power of Maya, is the best among the devotees. (XI-2-48)

5. A person who, due to the constant feeling of the presence of the Lord is not deluded or overpowered by the common failings of the world viz. death, hunger, fear, greed etc. is the best among the devotees. (XI-2-49)

6/7. He, in whose mind there is no possibility of any desire arising and who is solely dependent on the Lord is the best among the devotees. (XI-2-50)

8. He who is not proud of his high birth, great deeds, caste or his station in life (celibate, monk etc.) is the one dearest to the Lord. (XI-2-51)

9. He who has no feeling of ‘I’ or ‘mine” with regard to his body or wealth, treats all beings with equal kindness and love and who is ever peaceful, is the best of the devotees of the Lord. (XI-2-52)

10. He who is not prepared to leave the Lord’s feet even for a fraction of a second and is not tempted at all by the entire wealth and resources of all three worlds is the foremost among the devotees of the Lord. (XI-2-53)

11. The one who is concerned about his spiritual welfare should seek the guidance of a master with a direct experience of the Supreme being and well-versed in scriptures, (XI-3-21)

12. First, one should give up the mental attachment to the objects of the senses and cultivate the company of holy men. He should also treat his fellow beings with compassion, friendliness and courtesy as considered appropriate. (XI-3-23)

13/14. One should cultivate purity, austerity, forbearance, silence, study of scriptures, straight forwardness, continence and non-violence. (XI-3-24)

15. One should learn to feel the presence of the Supreme Being everywhere, satisfaction with whatever he gets and to live in solitude. (XI-3-25)

16. One should have friendship with those persons for whom Lord is their very life and serve all great people, saints and fellow-beings. (XI-3-29)

17. The Self (Atman) is beyond birth & death. He neither grows nor degenerates. He is the witness of all the changing states of the body and mind. (XI-3-38)

18. In Kaliyuga, the prayer is thus:-
O’ Supreme being! You are capable of turning defeat into success. You fulfill all desires of devotees, dispel their sorrows and protect them. You are the source of holiness and are the boat for redeeming the struggling souls. I bow to your holy feet. (XI-5-33)

19. All great men extol Kaliyuga because a person can accomplish all his desires including liberation by merely singing the praises of the Lord. (XI-5-36)

20/21. However much disturbed by other beings, a wise man will not allow himself to move away from his chosen path. This is the lesson learnt from the unmoving Mother Earth. (XI-7-37)

22. An aspirant should live untainted and unaffected by the body identifying himself with the supreme being (Brahman) who is all-pervasive and the indweller in all the beings, like the Space. (XI-7-42)

23. The ocean does not wither overflow or gets dried up irrespective of the flow of water from the rivers. Similarly a person devoted totally to the Lord remains unaffected regardless of his prosperity or poverty. (XI-8-6)

24. A wise man should collect the essence of all scriptures, small or big Just as a bee collects honey from numerous flowers. (XI-8-10)

25. Just as the fish seeks its own death by being tempted by the hook baited with meat, a person who is unable to control the temptations of his palate and refrain from tasty dishes seeks to commit a spiritual suicide. (XI-8-19)

26. Accumulation of desirable objects leads to miseries. The wise man, who is free from possessions is infinitely happy. (XI-9-1)

27/28. An aspirant should be indifferent to insult or honor and free from all cares relating to the house and his family, like a child who is content to play with his own self. (XI-9-3)

29. For an aspirant, building a house results in suffering. It is a lesson to be learnt from the serpent who lives happily in the holes made by other creatures. (XI-9-15)

30. Like a householder who is pulled in different directions by his numerous wives, a common man is tempted and pulled in different direction by his senses, viz. the palate, the stomach, the eye, the nose, the ears and the organs of action. (XI-9-27)

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