Impact of Gurukula System in India

  • By Sushant Kumar
  • October 12 2019


In ancient India, the Gurukula System was the key education system in India. Word Gurukula is derived from Sanskrit in which “Guru” means teacher or master and “Kula” means home or family.

In the Gurukula system a student went to the teacher's house and ask guru to teach. If the Guru accepts him as his student, he would then remain in the guru's place and guru will assist in all activities. This system created a strong bond between student and teacher. It also taught the student everything about running a house and how to deal with society. There is a lot of difference between what was taught in ancient gurukuls and what is being thought in present educational boards.

To know the system of education in India as it existed around 1820, ie before the British destroyed India’s own education system. Read ‘Indigenous Indian Education in the 18th century’ by respect Gandhian Dharampalji. Link at end of article.

Few Advantages of Ancient Gurukul System

Ancient Indians followed the Gurukul system for education. India then was not less than any other countries. India gave “Zero” to the world, Indians first quoted that earth is in a spherical shape. In ancient India, there was mention of “Vimana” which in today’s context is understood as aero plane.

India gave birth to Veda, Upanishads and Yoga and had nine schools of philosophy. Indian were so advanced that, they even knew to do surgeries without cutting the body and without making the patient bleed.

Gurukul System mainly focuses on all round development of a student in almost all the fields. Compared to the present days, then more respect was given to the teachers. In fact, teachers were considered as God.

Classrooms were inside the forests, which kept students healthy and closer to nature. Equal Importance was given to practical science. Focus was on gaining knowledge and not scoring marks. The concept of home work as it exists today did not exist. This helped student’s focus on concepts. There was no craving for tanks which the present education system does.

Ancient Gurukul System helped students learn values and ethics. Teaching was more towards practical than theoretical knowledge. Unlike today where the focus is on mugging to clear exam and score hire marks.  

The system had Gurukula which focused on individual's skills and abilities, enhancing them to the fullest. Students were taught the art of living which is a much greater need than math and science.

In the Gurukul system, students gave a “Gurudakshina” to the Guru.

Once the British started ruling our country they changed our education system.

Disdvantages of the Gurukul System

Children were supposed to leave their homes and had to stay away from parents in Gurukula. This was a great penance. Females were not educated in Gurukulas. 

There was no fixed syllabus to be followed like today.

Students led a sheltered life at Gurukul and could not know much about the outside world. This is when seen from a current perspective. In those times communication facilities did not exist so knowing about the world must be difficult.


Gurukula system started around 5000BC. Just to weaken our moral support, British changed our education system with the current education system where the syllabuses are decided by the board of education. At present, our education system teaches more about the losses of Indian kings, failures of our country just to demotivate us from our childhood.

The Indian government should make necessary changes to our education system so that our children will get to study stories of Indian heroes. They should know about achievements by Indians so that they are proud to be born Indian.

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Also read

1 Indigenous Indian Education 18th century by Dharampalji

2 Gurukula is a Man Making Education System 

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